Providing Excellence in Reporting Since 1980
           Lewis Reporting
Service, LLC 


Class Action/Mass Litigation Suits:   

                                                        Schedule with us: 

Class Actions
Toxic Tort
Mass Litigation

30 Years of Experience and All of the Following
Points Make Lewis Reporting the Right Choice For Your Reporting Needs:

 - Multi-party copy sale discounts!

No charge on travel in multi-party suits!

- Real-time hookup and internet viewing available!

- Transcripts guaranteed within five days!

- E-Transcript, PDF, Summation, Live Note, Word and other transcript formats available for electronic delivery!

- Scanned and/or imbedded exhibits and videosynced services available!

- 30 years' worth of references from satisfied clients!

Lewis Reporting Service
Post Office Box 6880
Wheeling, West Virginia 26003
FAX 304.737.4116




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